Sunday, February 13, 2011

A New Year a New Beginning...

I have had so much fun!!! 2011 is the year for me to do some real grown up shit. I have the greatest woman by my side, she keeps me grounded.... keeps me from falling into the many depths of the world. I have a job that pays, not anything great... but it keeps the bills paid and my shopping habits at bay... I have the ability to go out and have a great time with friends... some old.. some new... but all the same.. friends... I do miss my family though... It seems like everyone is getting they're own lives and we're just not as close as we used to be.. I'm beginning to feel like my friends are my family... more so than the blood relatives I have... But eventually everybody growns up.. or disappears... I pray for everybody.. and just keep going about my life... guess it's all apart of life's cycle... so for now... I'll just love my own made family...

I am losing the weight that I've had on me for so long... weight of other people's problems... weight of other people's secrets... my past... I've watched it all shed from my body... and I'm loving it... I love waking up to the tv still going from the night before and the soft arm wrapped around me... I love working out every morning... ok maybe not that... but I love thinking of the end result.. so I get my ass up and go to the gym... I just want to live my life for me... and not worry about other people... and I'm not... and I won't... worrying about other people gets you no where but tired and sleepy... All of the decision I make from this year on out will be with my best interest in mind... with my future in mind.. Right now I have everything that I need in my life... everything else.. is a work in progress... and failure isn't an option...

About Me

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I love my life... and all aspects of it... clothes...walking artistry.. natural comedy...all forms of entertainment... I'm all about living and loving...